GATE First Recipient of ISO 45001 Certification from DNV-GL in the United States

GATE, LLC is proud to announce that in addition to the renewal of their ISO 9001 quality management program certification for 2019, they are also the first company in North America to be certified by DNV-GL to the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System standard. ISO 45001 was published in March 2018 to reflect the latest global best practices for health and safety program delivery and replaces the older OHSAS 18001 standard.

Lee Jordan, GATE’s COO, said, “The transition from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 was an important one for us and the comprehensiveness and rigor of the DNV-GL audit process was a key part of ensuring its ultimate success. The fact that GATE is the first organization in North America that has been certified by DNV-GL to this new benchmark is a testament to the commitment and dedication of our staff and their justifiable pride in the safety and quality of the work that they provide to the global oil and gas industry.”


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