Chevron - Chemical Vendor Selection and Chemical System Design

GATE leverages each chemical vendors based on performance of chemical, lab, ability to meet supply demands and upsets, price, experience and key criteria important to contractor and operator.

GATE evaluated each chemical vendor for two phases of development Chemical Support during feed and pre-FEED, and Chemical Selection and Support to aid operations. The phases and all associated selection criteria are completely independent of each other; a vendor may be more suitable for pre-FEED work but does not necessarily become the best to support operations.

GATE is continuously improving the process and has done similar work for other Chevron assets. These projects opened the door for a new and interesting scope of work offered only by GATE and is of tremendous value to the client as well as the chemical vendors who have responded positively to the process we have implemented (both the vendor chosen and the ones that were not).


Noble Energy - Aseng Chemical Vendor Technical & Business Evaluation


BHP Billiton - Chemical Vendor Technical and Business Evaluation