Project Experiences & Successes
Murphy - King’s Quay Commissioning
GATE Energy was responsible for pre-commissioning, commissioning, regulatory testing and vendor management for all Topsides systems of the King’s Quay FPU, both in South Korea and the United States / Gulf of Mexico. Viking, the engineering arm of GATE Energy, was contracted to assist with the development of the topsides standard operating procedures (SOPs).
Cost-Effective Gas Compression System Expansion Study
A winter-peaking natural gas storage plant undergoes a production expansion which includes infill well drilling and a gas compression system expansion.
BHP Billiton - Shenzi Waterflood Commissioning
GATE was involved early in the seawater treating design basis to influence / impart operability and commissioning efforts. From the design phase, GATE became responsible for dynamic commissioning and start-up during the offshore phase.