“There is nothing I believe could be done differently or better…the quality of response was excellent…”

“I can only compliment GATE on their reactiveness and commitment to support Tullow in resolution of the hydrate issue. There is nothing I believe could be done differently or better. The performance of GATE on their support with our hydrate remediate is a true credit to how the team has managed. The quality of response was excellent; specially the presentation of information/graphical plots was far superior to other FA companies Tullow has used. The proactive nature of the GATE team was exceptional. Prepared to support over festive period and weekends to resolve issues and provide feedback/information to allow TGL to progress to a solution.

— Tullow Oil


“The equipment fit the scope well. We plan to use Bluefin in the future.”


“Saul and Luke were excellent representatives of your company. Both young men were very informative and educated on the services that they provided for Marathon.” (Copy)