Process Hazard Analysis & Accident Investigation

We’re on a mission to improve the way the energy industry does Process Hazard Analysis.

Our Services

  • Design Operability Reviews

  • Stream-based HAZOPs

  • Other Process Hazard Analyses

  • Accident Investigation

  • System Studies

The Viking Operations Readiness team takes a systems view enabling us to develop solutions that many different disciplines and boundaries.

At a minimum, successful operations readiness efforts involve operability reviews, development of the operations and maintenance philosophies and procedures, development of the maintenance management system and training of operators for initial startup and operations. Yet, these efforts normally start too late and are frequently inadequately resourced. Operations readiness efforts started late in a project can’t reach their potential. While the design may be executed in silos, the operations readiness planning cannot.

The Viking Operations Readiness team takes a systems view. Taking a systems view enables us to develop solutions that cross many different disciplines and boundaries allowing the operations team to be efficient and effective.

Read more about our PHA & Design Operability Review Services below:

Design Operability Reviews

Design Operability Reviews consist of support activities which are essential for operations to be involved in early to influence any safety or design concerns.

  • Basis of Design Contract Development for operational completeness

  • P&ID, PFD, Cause & Effect Matrix, etc. reviews for operability and maintainability

  • Documents for Operations

  • Interface Management

  • FAT & SAT

  • Lessons Learned Studies

  • Facilitation of Peer Reviews

  • Operating Philosophy (Subsea & Topsides)

  • Operability Reviews

  • Operating Guidelines (Well, Subsea & Topsides)

  • Pre-startup Safety Reviews

  • Innovative Operator Training (Scenario Games, Tactical Decision Games)

  • Control System HMI Screen Development

  • Control System Tuning (Based on First Principles – Not Short Cut Methods)

Stream-based HAZOPs & Other PHA Methods

We’re on a mission to improve the way the energy industry does Process Hazard Analysis starting with improving the Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) process. GATE Energy is creator of the Stream-based HAZOP methodology - an approach that we believe is one that is more productive, fun and ultimately provides a safer facility with a clear, easy to understand analysis report with actionable risk reduction.

The main difference between the Stream-Based HAZOP and a typical HAZOP is that we break the HAZOP into 3 phases:

  1. Phase 1: Flow Discussion Based on Stream-based Nodes

  2. Phase 2: Pressure, Temperature and Level Discussion Based on Typical Equipment-based Nodes

  3. Phase 3: STPA Application as Needed for Significant Risk Scenarios

Other process hazard analysis services we provide include:

  • Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA)

  • Procedure HAZIDs

  • Systems Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA)

  • Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Assessment

Accident Investigation Services

  • TapRoot

  • Casual Analysis using Systems Theory (CAST)

  • Viking Accident Analysis Method

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