GCWS is tailored & developed specifically for Commissioning Projects
The GATE Control of Work System (GCWS) is a proprietary, cloud-based permit to work (PTW) solution designed to fulfill most oil and gas projects, yet easily adaptable for other energy construction and commissioning projects. While other systems are typically designed for the normal operations phase of a project, GATE found that these systems aren’t always suitable to construction and commissioning needs.
GCWS fully digitalizes the processes, procedures and deliverables needed during construction and commissioning into a customizable software package. GCWS includes Permit to Work (PTW), Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS), and Lock-Out/Tag-Out (LOTO), Risk Assessment management systems for deployment onto projects where required. These tools are key to helping us achieve the “Do It Right The First Time” goal safely.
Key Highlights of GCWS
Fully Digital Permit Processing
Capable of fully digital permit processing from the initial population of permit template through the review and approval process with customizable permit and report templates. Using PDF and e-mail capabilities, issued permits can be delivered electronically to a mobile device. Fully automated, digital General Arrangement maps provide a visual representation of permits issued by area.
Uncompromising Control of Work
GCWS facilitates fully digital control of work without compromising the roles and responsibilities, planning, schedules, safety measures, and communication within a robust cloud-based solution and digital deliverables.
Customizable Workflows, Forms & Reports
The biggest use case and value of GCWS is the approval workflow. This workflow is tailored for each client and project at the beginning. This helps the flow of communication and speed of the project. Each worker’s permission settings are fully customizable, which means no team silos and all teams can complete the tasks they need to.
Communication & Tracking
GCWS provides a high-level view of ongoing work, upcoming work and the conditions the team will face, which allows all parties to understand what work is happening and where thereby increasing the level of communication and safety. GCWS provides shared visibility within all parties involved for verification, authorization, and issuing process, including SIMOPS reporting with live data.
Reporting & Auditing
Multi-format data exports and PDF Permits along with log tracking for Extended Permits, Permit Cloning, and Permit Authorization History. GCWS also provides access to project data within the database allowing users to print data quickly and as needed to ensure safety and compliance.
Fully Compliant with Data Laws & Regulations
GCWS ensures adherence to the project safe work procedures. Workflow and naming conventions translates across all views, reports, and UI controls.
Our Lessons Learned & How GCWS Has Evolved to Better Serve Our Clients
Since the early version in 2014, the software has continued to evolve and change to fit our needs and most importantly the needs of our clients. It has been used on over half a dozen large-scale projects and thus has been refined to become a finely tuned tool in our toolbelts.
What started years ago on paper-based spreadsheets has grown into a fully deployable software that is easily tailored to fit the individual needs of our clients & their projects.
Result: Digitally stored files, printable as needed.
Result: E-mailed Permit PDFs upon status change. Possibly accessing these on mobile devices.
Result: GATE-Provided workstations. Many are now active offshore to allow remote access.
Result: Server installed prior sailaway, transferring all cloud-based data. Cloud instance became read-only.
Result: Grant role-based access to all parties to integrate data in a single SIMOPS report
Result: Sandbox instance and training material available for all levels
Result: Local instance capabilities. Permit placeholders.
Result: Clone feature for Permits and Isolations
Result: Reinforce Safe work procedure, SIMOPS meeting.
More Information on GCWS
Permits are drafted and customized to your needs. The start and expiration dates are set and can be extended if needed. A complete history of permits authorization from draft to completion is logged in the system even if one of the users happens to archive or delete them.
We tailor our software to our client’s permit templates, project procedures, and other necessary requirements.
The dashboard shows the locations of permits in progress, open permits, as well as the type of permit thereby helping to eliminate team silos and increase safety and efficiency.
All decks and workspaces on the FPU are included within the dashboard.
Example Permit Approval Process
Permit Draft & Propose by Performing Authority > Permit verification by activity authority > permit authorization by site authority > permit issuance by activity authority > takes permit live/active by performing authority > job complete or suspended by performing authority > (repeat/return to starting process)
GCWS was developed to be adaptable to the specific needs of the client and any potential changes encountered during each project. Whereas other software is limited in its capabilities due to a one-size-fits-all approach, our software is finely tuned to your needs before deployment to ensure time and costs are efficiently completed and safety is maximized.
The planning features help eliminate overlap of work between groups to ensure safety and reduce project delays. It allows you to prioritize the safe work procedures of the projects. It helps keep the team out of a silo mindset while giving the boots on the ground a high-level overview of what others are doing around them. We’ve found that this reduces tunnel vision, leading to increased safety & efficiency.
Anyone inside GATE and our clients as well as any third parties can be involved in each specific project.
Each worker’s permission settings are fully customizable, which allows collaborative work, breaks down team silos and allows all teams to complete the tasks they need to. With the current up-to-date work status shown, no worker is left in dark about the work taking place elsewhere on the project.
By reducing tunnel vision and workplace silos we have seen an increase in worker safety and efficiency.
GCWS allows for user-based permissions to be assigned to each worker as needed with the ability to customize each user’s permission settings to fit your requirements and needs.
Most users are up and running at full speed within a few days. Our development team has continued to enhance and refine the interface and its user-friendliness to increase efficiency and user understanding.
Our software is downloadable from our servers and easily deployed with a windows environment as well as other electronic tablets for ease of use and portability.