Online Course: The Stream-Based HAZOP Method
HAZOP is the most commonly used process hazard analysis (PHA) method. But the HAZOP method has many flaws. The Stream-Based HAZOP method corrects the main flaws. Our method is more effective. It requires much less session time (though significantly more prework). It is much less repetitive and hence, is far less tedious for the participants.
The main difference is that the Stream-Based HAZOP Process is a two-phase process that utilizes different node definitions, stream-based nodes, for the flow deviation discussions.
Why Attend
HAZOP is the most commonly applied and most important PHA method. It is important to get it right. But the process is flawed. This online course provides an introduction to the standard HAZOP process, identifies some of the flaws with the process, and demonstrates how the Stream-Based HAZOP process corrects those flaws.
Learning Level
Basic level courses require little to no knowledge of the topic discussed. Entry level engineers and engineers that know little of the subject or need a refresher may benefit from this type of course.
Upon Completion of this Course
Participants will be prepared to attend and participate in a HAZOP whether that is a standard HAZOP or a Stream-Based HAZOP. HAZOP facilitators will be introduced to a better method.
Course Curriculum
Intro & Agenda
What is a HAZOP?
Define the Nodes
Evaluate the Nodes
Example HAZOP Fragment
Practice HAZOP
Practice HAZOP Results and Observations
What is the Stream-Based HAZOP?
Pre-Work for Stream-Based HAZOPs
Practice Identifying Stream-Based Nodes
Stream-Based Nodes Practice Results
The Stream-Based HAZOP Process
Revising the Risk Assessment in HAZOPs
Last Thoughts on HAZOPs?
Preview Course
About The Instructor
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