Casing Damage & Failures During Fracturing Course

Course Description

Casing damage during and immediately after hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells is on the rise, especially as in-fill wells are added, jobs are bigger, frac spacing is getting closer and well spacing is little more than a stone’s throw away. There are nearly a dozen direct drivers of this type of damage and often multiple factors are involved. This course offers a look beyond the static pipe designs and drilling plans into the world of highly interactive stresses created by multiple fracturing events in horizontal wells. Case histories will dominate the discussion with added information on erosion, mechanical damage and chemical reactions.

Duration: 8 hours

Our Instructor

George King

Production Operations Team Lead

George E. King is an independent contractor for Viking Engineering as a Registered Professional Engineer.  He work in Texas and Oklahoma with over 50 years of oilfield experience since starting with Amoco Production Research in 1971. He has a BS degree majoring in Chemistry from Oklahoma State University and a BS in Chemical Engineering and a MS in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Tulsa.

Technical accomplishments include over 100 technical papers, book chapters and industry articles and he has served as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Tulsa from 1988 to 1998, teaching well completions, workovers and stimulations in night classes. He regularly presents invited guest lectures at Universities in Oklahoma, Colorado, and Texas.


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