QA/TPI Surveillance Services
It is critical that all of the products be manufactured, inspected, and tested in accordance to API and the manufacturer and/or customer requirements to minimize in-service problems and/or failures.
Our Services
Third-Party Inspection (TPI)
Mill & Threading Surveillance
Mill Auditing & Qualifications
Rigsite Running Evaluations & Recommendations
QA Management & Coordination
The Viking QA Team provides experienced and competent QA & TPI Inspectors around the globe.
We provide mill, post mill and vendor surveillance on critical casing and/or tubing strings, drill pipe, line pipe, downhole engineered equipment and accessory items.
QA/TPI Surveillance
The Viking QA Team offers the following QA/TPI Surveillance services:
Onsite QA Surveillance
Provide onsite witnessing of inspections and/or quality processes to ensure compliance to industry standards and/or client specifications.
Project Quality Management
Project Quality Coordination
Administrative Staff
Auditing – ISO 9001 or API Q1: 2015
Qualification / Vendor Audits / Assessment
Customer Audits / Assessment
Internal Audits
Specializing in OCTG audits
Quality Engineering
Provide in-house quality consulting services for operators and/or assist in developing and implementing QCP’s, SOP’s and specifications.
QA/QC Plans
Inspection Test Plans
Failure Investigation
Material Logistics and Inventory Control
Rig Site OCTG Running & Installation Evaluations
Technical Writing
Third Party Inspection
Mill Surveillance
Post Mill Inspection
Vendor Surveillance
ASNT Level III Consulting/Training
Provide NDT consulting and training to clients. Consisting of writing, reviewing and approving NDT procedures.
Specialized QA Services
The Viking QA Team provides experienced and competent QA & TPI Inspectors around the globe, providing mill, post mill and vendor surveillance on critical casing and/or tubing strings, drill pipe, line pipe, downhole engineered equipment and accessory items. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
Subsurface / Surface Wellbore Equipment
Wellhead & Christmas Trees
Production Tubing String
Flow Nipples, Collars & Pup Joints
Chemical Injection and Pressure/Temperature Mandrels
Gas Lift Mandrels
Isolation Valves
Perforating Equipment
Screen & Blank Assemblies
Rental/Running Tool Equipment – Subsea Tools, Brushes, Scrapers, etc.
Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG’S)
Casing, Tubing, Couplings, Pup Joints, Accessories
Drill Pipe / Drill Collars
Pipe, Tool Joints, Collars
Line Pipe
Transmission Lines, Gathering Lines
X-Overs, Hangers
Our Inspection Process
It is critical that all of the products listed above be manufactured, inspected, and tested in accordance to API and the manufacturer and/or customer requirements to minimize in-service problems and/or failures.
Listed below are a few areas of specific services we recommend and provide associated with products listed above during the manufacturing, inspection, threading and testing of these components. Depending on the product and service condition in which it will be utilized, will determine the specific recommendations, including, but not limited to:
Establishment of a Quality Plan & Inspection Test Plans
This plan should denote the critical products, sequence of manufacturing, inspection and testing operation, listing of procedures governing the operation, and defined surveillance levels by the customer.
Witness QQ Set-Out, Hardness Testing, Component Verification, Assembly, Drift, Functional & Hydrostatic/Gas Pressure Testing, Where Applicable
Viking’s QA personnel will review the traceability on components prior to assembly, verify MTR’s and their compliance, and witness the functional testing of the final component(s) and/or assembly. Viking will ensure that all testing meets API, industry standards and/or manufacturers’ requirements. Hardness testing and test results will be monitored and verified on NACE identified component(s).
Monitor / Witness NDE & Mechanical Testing on Products
Viking’s QA Team will monitor and/or verify that the supplier performs the appropriate NDE inspection as required and that the inspection is conducted in accordance to the manufacturers’ and/or inspection companies’ procedure. Mechanical testing and test results will be monitored/witnessed for compliance to stated requirements.
Verify Compliance of Material Test Reports
Viking’s QA Team will review the MTR’s on products to ensure they meet API, Industry standards and the manufacturers’ requirements.
Verification Of Critical Dimensions on Critical Products / Components
Viking’s QA Team will monitor the gaging and/or review the critical dimensions on products/components specifying critical tolerances and/or require specific “fit-up”.
Witness Re-Gage by Thread Manufacture of All Premium Connections, Where Applicable Witness Torque-Turn/Time Make-Ups of All Premium Connections Associated With All Accessory Items & Couplings Review & Approve Final Documentation Package
This should include MTR’s, Dimensional, NDE, Testing reports, Shipping list, Torque/Turn charts, Thread certifications, etc.
Consult Our Specialist
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