Human First Campaign: Blood is Thicker than Water!
Recently, one of BlueFin’s tenured employees lost his mother to cancer. While the battle for Tamie Lopez’s life did not claim victory over cancer, her endurance to help others is still being felt. Not long after Tamie passed away her daughter received donated blood after giving birth to a new child – blood that would not have been there without the help of volunteer blood donors like you. This battle, the one that matters most, to secure and donate blood for those in need has become a popular token for many medical patients. When you donate blood you personally insure and ensure that blood is available for the next patient in need. Please take time to sign up for our upcoming blood drive in New Iberia, LA on Tuesday, October 18. Donation time has been scheduled with our partners at United Blood Services from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm.
2917 Oliva Road
New Iberia, LA
SIGN UP Online:
Sponsor code: blue fin